Sharon Munjenjema
By Published On: May 19, 2023


“The bulk of the problems the world is facing right […]


“The bulk of the problems the world is facing right now, especially in the Global South are from climate change, a phenomenon that 10 years ago for instance was not taken seriously. This calls for major adjustments in the way we relate with the earth and treat the environment. For any action to be taken towards climate change adaptation and mitigation, issues of the climate and environmental conservation have to be effectively communicated.”

Sharon Munjenjema hopes to help the media in the global place climate change on the agenda for citizens and governments in the Global South. Sharon’s initiative, the Environmental Communicators Forum will inform and drive the conversation on climate change and environmental preservation. The forum will provide training to journalists, as well as contributing towards a culture of excellence in reporting. It will also be a platform for academics to share their studies for wider dissemination to the wider public.” I have realized that academics publish many studies with important discoveries that go unnoticed and unknown to the general public because they are not communicated to non-academic audiences.”

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