A Ray of Hope: Nkayi Awards Build Community Integrity
By Published On: May 23, 2024


Nathan Ncube has been a civil servant for more than […]


Nathan Ncube has been a civil servant for more than two decades. His quiet dignity is apparent as he takes sure-footed steps towards the arena filled with very important people including legislators, chiefs, and senior government officials. On this day, Ncube is among forty people recognized for their contribution to the community. These individuals are celebrated as role models of community values by imiklomela kaDakamela, a two-day ceremony dedicated to celebrating community integrity. Ncube is an Agritex Officer, and well-respected community member, known for being accountable, having a commitment to fairness, and thorough attention to detail. In Matabeleland, cattle are wealth, and Ncube’s professionalism and expertise are an essential support service to cattle farmers.


“We are trying to deliver for the community”

This is the second year in which imiklomela kaDakamela is being celebrated in Nkayi. Chief Dakamela partnered with Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icon, our citizen-driven campaign to find and celebrate honest civil servants across Zimbabwe. Integrity Icon and imiklomela have much in common, including a desire to nurture a culture of integrity from the ground up, giving young people hope for their future. Similar to the campaign’s partnership with YODAT celebrating members of the Macheke community, this hyperlocal event is inspired by the Integrity Icon campaign’s ideas and learning.

Local events have the advantage of proximity enabling local adoption and enculturation of the ideas driving our campaign for change. By inviting citizens to ‘name and fame’ integrity role models, the campaign generates debate about integrity, honesty, and personal responsibility. People must think deeply about who they are nominating and why. Integrity Icon serves as a catalyst for dialogue and reflection within communities, sparking conversations about the values that underpin ethical behavior. This grassroots approach fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment among citizens, as they actively participate in shaping the narrative around integrity and accountability in their contexts. As these discussions permeate local networks and institutions, the ripple effects of Integrity Icon extend far beyond the initial recognition of exemplary individuals, contributing to a broader cultural shift towards integrity as a fundamental societal norm.

Imiklomela kaDakamela was conceived by Chief Dakamela to promote a development that embodies Ubuntu, a philosophy that emphasizes interconnectedness, equality, and collective prosperity. Imiklomela aims to inspire the Nkayi community to reform at the local level, advancing collective interests and changing the way decisions are made.

“Nkayi is no longer koMnyam’ubambile. We wish to change this notion so that even if it is dark, we can have two or more candles to light up our area. This is aimed at empowering our children and giving them hope.” Dakamela says of imiklomela. By celebrating ordinary community members who light up the area through their service, imiklomela fosters integrity as a lived norm throughout the community.
“Public Servants Transforming Communities Against Neglect”
The 168km journey from Bulawayo to Nkayi, Matabeleland North is arduous. Despite its rich cultural heritage and human potential, the region has been neglected, receiving little support from the government. Matabeleland North experiences acute food insecurity, as a consequence of poor rains, land tenure insecurity, and a lack of access to markets. Without the promise of a sustainable future, many young people abandon communities across the province for the promise of a better life in Bulawayo, or South Africa. In this context, public servants like Ncube whose work contributes to livelihoods, helping farmers adapt to difficult climatic conditions, and adopt progressive practices can be the difference between life and death. Similarly, another honouree, Meeting Sibanda’s fairness and transparency in the distribution of farming inputs and food aid ensures that no–one is left behind. Sibanda’s singular belief that everyone deserves a fair share of public goods regardless of political affiliation governs his conduct. He has witnessed first-hand how bias and partisanship can disadvantage the most vulnerable, and he is committed to upholding accountability for all community members in need of social safety nets.

“We award people for contributing towards the development of koDakamela­ and Matabeleland at large. This is not political, we just want to appreciate people’s hard work while they’re still alive to see isiszwe sikhula sibambene.”

Chief Dakamela is 29 years old, and a development studies student at Lupane University. He is known for innovative approaches to leading his community, inspired by his commitment to tackling poverty, providing education, and improving living standards. His initiatives include isiphala senkosi – a community livestock venture, and an educational foundation and housing scheme to support the most vulnerable, among others. These bottom-up approaches are anchored in the needs of the community, promoting cooperation and cohesiveness in moving forward.


Inspiring Local events

Local initiatives, such as imiklomela kaDakamela in Nkayi, and the Macheke community awards have the advantage of proximity. Their initiators leverage a profound understanding of their communities’ specific needs and challenges to foster shared ownership of the awards. Imiklomela takes this even further, drawing in elements of the traditional philosophies that govern people’s lives to support a shared sense of belonging and collective responsibility for the integrity of the community. When citizens actively participate in building integrity, they become invested in its success. Hyperlocal initiatives create a self-sustaining ecosystem for change through which citizens and their communities embrace integrity as a norm, reaping the tangible benefits of ethical behavior.

ALZ Communications
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