Mana Pools Bootcamp Inspires Youth to Tackle Climate Crisis
By Published On: September 27, 2024


In the heart of Zimbabwe’s drying Mana Pools National Park, […]


In the heart of Zimbabwe’s drying Mana Pools National Park, Accountability Lab Zimbabwe gathered a group of young social change makers, musicians and film makers for a Climate Change Boot camp. Organized by Accountability Lab, this challenging workshop equipped participants with the knowledge, skills, and determination to address the pressing issue of climate change. Mana Pools, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, provided a breath-taking backdrop for the boot camp. During the visit we witnessed first-hand the effects of the prevailing drought in the shallow pools and drying, arid landscape.

Recurring droughts have negatively affected the wildlife and pools in the National Park

Mana Pools National Park is renowned for its majestic baobab trees and abundant wildlife. However, recurring droughts have taken a toll, leaving the Zambezi River visibly diminished and wildlife increasingly strained by hunger, as evidenced by an elephant encounter with some members of our group. This unique and rugged landscape, while showcasing the natural beauty and diversity of our environment, also highlights the devastating impacts of climate change.

Through sessions and presentations, participants gained valuable insights into:

  • The impacts of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health
  • Renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency strategies
  • Sustainable agriculture practices and climate-resilient farming
  • Climate policy and advocacy
  • Community-based initiatives and project development

The bootcamp’s approach encouraged participants to share experiences, challenges, and successes. The participatory approach to learning encouraged real engagement among our group, fostering a sense of community, and motivating individuals to take action. Participants developed innovative project ideas, created partnerships among themselves, and committed to be involved climate initiatives in their respective communities.

Boot camp participants on a walking safari around the National Park

Among the reflections:

“Attending the Climate Change Bootcamp at Mana Pools was a life-changing experience. I gained valuable knowledge and connections to drive climate action in my community.”

“The bootcamp empowered me to take ownership of climate issues and develop practical solutions.”

“While camping in the wild, we chose a spot under an elephant’s go-to food tree, before we knew it, a curious elephant came into our camp area, sending us panicking!”

The Mana Pools Climate Change boot camp highlights the power of immersive experiential learning in fostering shared understanding, cultivating collective action, and empowering youth leadership to address the climate crisis. As participants returned home, they carried a renewed sense of purpose, equipped with the tools, networks, and heightened awareness needed to drive meaningful action on climate change.

Primrose Matono is an Accountability Fellow at Accountability Lab Zimbabwe

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