Integrity Icon Awards Celebrate Exemplary Public Servants in Zimbabwe
By Published On: December 8, 2023


The Accountability Lab Zimbabwe (ALZ) hosted its third annual Integrity […]


The 2023 Integrity Icons awardees (from the left Albany Mandeya, Stewart Magaya, Gracious Zhou, Bernadette Bakasa and Francis Mhangwa)

The Accountability Lab Zimbabwe (ALZ) hosted its third annual Integrity Icons summit and awards ceremony on Thursday, November 30, 2023, celebrating individuals who demonstrate integrity, ethical leadership, and personal responsibility in their work.

Alban Mandeya, a renowned senior teacher at Wadzanai Primary School, is among the honorees, receiving recognition for his unwavering honesty and strong moral principles.

Alban Mandeya and wife after the award ceremony


Alban Mandeya’s commitment to transparency and accountability saw him rise to the occasion when he was appointed acting deputy headmaster at Wadzanai Primary School. His responsibilities included handling multiple tenders, which he approached with openness and consultation, earning the admiration and applause of his peers.

“We appreciate his commitment to conducting his duties openly and transparently, always seeking input from the involved committee,” said a colleague from Wadzanai Primary School.

The Integrity Summit, is an annual event that identifies and profiles individuals who embody values such as honesty and ethical behavior. Through this initiative, ALZ aims to create a cultural shift towards integrity and inspire others to do the right thing.

In his remarks, McDonald Lewanika, Country Director, Accountability Lab Zimbabwe, discussed Arts and Culture as a vehicle for ecosystem building

McDonald Lewanika, Country Director of Accountability Lab and Chief of Party for the New Narratives for Accountability in Zimbabwe project under which Integrity Icon is implemented, said, “We intend to build a movement surrounding integrity, where operating ethically becomes the norm rather than the exception. The goal is to transform how we do things by shifting norms and behaviors.”

In addition to Alban Mandeya, four other icons were recognized at this year’s ceremony: Gracias Zhou, Francis Mhangwa, Stewart Magaya, and Benediate Bakasa. These individuals were nominated by their respective communities for their exceptional ethical standards and contributions to their fields..

Benediate Bakasa (left) receiving her award from Dr. Ndakaripa Hungwe, Zimbabwe Anti-corruption Commission (ZACC) commissioner (centre) and Blessing Gorejena-Ndlovu, ALZ Board Chairperson (right)

Benediate Bakasa, the acting District Social Services Officer for Harare Central, was honored for her efforts in tackling social issues in a challenging community. Epworth, known for rampant child sexual abuse, domestic violence, and drug abuse, has experienced positive change thanks to Bakasa’s commitment to child protection and her refusal to engage in corrupt practices.

Blessing Gorejena-Ndlovu, ALZ Board Chairperson (left) Francis Mhangwa (center) receiving his award and Dr. Ndakaripa Hungwe, Commissioner ZACC (right)

Francis Mhangwa, a registrar at the immigration offices in Harare with 30 years of experience, was recognized for his humility, selflessness, and dedication to serving the public. Mhangwa’s refusal to accept extra credit or tips demonstrates his commitment to living within his means and avoiding corruption.

Blessing Gorejena-Ndlovu, ALZ Board Chairperson (left) Francis Mhangwa (center) receiving his award and Dr. Ndakaripa Hungwe, Commissioner ZACC (right)

Stewart Magaya, a processing officer at the Civil Registry Department in Mutare, was celebrated for providing friendly and efficient service. His dedication to solving people’s civil registration issues with a smile has changed the department’s perception and inspired others to offer dignified treatment to all clients.

Blessing Gorejena-Ndlovu, ALZ Board Chairperson (left) Gracious Zhou (center) receiving his award and Dr. Ndakaripa Hungwe, Commissioner ZACC (right)

Gracious Zhou, a Human Resources officer stationed at the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) offices in Gweru, was honored for her professionalism and commitment to honesty. Zhou has earned her respect from her colleagues for working with integrity setting an example for others.

The Integrity Icons summit and awards ceremony featured distinguished guest speakers, including representatives from the Ministry of Information, Publicity, Broadcasting Services, Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, and Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare. Their speeches emphasized the importance of integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct in public service.

ALZ’s Integrity Icons initiative is part of a global movement that recognizes and encourages integrity in personal and institutional settings. Zimbabwe joins 15 other countries, including the United States, South Africa, Nepal, and Mexico, in shining a light on honest government officials and challenging negative portrayals in the media.

The November 30, 2023, celebration is just one aspect of ALZ’s ongoing efforts to identify, celebrate, and connect honest public servants beyond the summit. By focusing on the process and promoting ethical leadership, ALZ aims to empower individuals and institutions to build an open, inclusive, and accountable society.

Bathabile Dlamini is the Media and Communications Officer at Accountability Lab Zimbabwe


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