Calvin Manika
By Published On: June 28, 2023


Calvin Manika is a journalist who lives and works in […]


Calvin Manika is a journalist who lives and works in Hwange, home to the Nambya speaking people, a minority group in Zimbabwe. Hwange is rich in biodiversity and resources. Calvin has worked as an environmental reporter for Al Jazeera, Mail and Guardian and the Independent (UK) among others. Drawing from his experience in Hwange, Manika wants to advocate for greater accountability in his home area.

“The major challenge of Hwange is biodiversity loss of both flora and fauna through human activities like mining, poaching, pollution and deforestation. Individuals and companies are destroying the environment at an alarming rate. The proliferation on coal and coke production companies is seeing forests destroyed, both human and wildlife displaced. Another environmental threat from these activities to both residents and villagers is air and water pollution risking peoples’ health and livestock survival.”

His initiative will work with the community to demand accountability for the environmental impacts of resource extraction and exploitation in his area. He hopes his idea will grow, and motivate the community to hold individuals and companies responsible for environmental degradation will be held accountable for their actions.

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