Igniting Change and Empowering Africa’s Youth
By Published On: December 8, 2023


Igniting Change and Empowering Africa’s Youth The African continent is […]


Igniting Change and Empowering Africa’s Youth

The African continent is grappling with high rates of youth unemployment and gender inequality. With more than one in four young people in Africa not in employment, education, or training, two-thirds of whom are women, these issues must be addressed to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 8 by 2030.

Mpangi Kwenge, Freedom House Chief of Party, stated that strengthening individual democracies and governance systems throughout the Sub-Saharan region was vital to resolving these urgent and pressing challenges. She was speaking during the 2023 Accountability Lab Zimbabwe (ALZ) Friendraiser and Accountability Entrepreneurship Awards ceremony in Harare.

The Accountability Incubator Friendraiser is the culmination of the year-long learning journey undertaken by 11 exceptional Accountapreneurs (accountability entrepreneurs(. The Exit Class and Friendraiser events share insights and celebrate the commencement of Accountapreneurs, who will take their ideas forward, working with communities and duty-bearers to build a more accountable, just, and equitable society. The Lab organizes the Friendraiser to allow Accountapreneurs to build relationships with other civic leaders, donors, and industry mentors. The 2023 cohort of Accountapreneurs includes Chiedza Sasa, Allan Nyamande, Zibusiso Munandi, Jorum Munashe Mahindidze, Ruth Takapera, Brighton Ncube, Closis Sharleen Mashonga, Calvin Manika, Sharon Munjenjema, Miranda Mathe, and Tinaye Chiketa.

These dynamic young leaders are taking proactive measures to tackle socio-economic injustices, such as the alarming rates of youth unemployment and gender inequality.

Kwenge believes that civic engagement and participation are critical to addressing the region’s multiple challenges. In addition, she argued that result-driven leadership, establishing clear and measurable goals, and empowering others to join their cause would bring about lasting change and create a more equitable and just society.


Demanding Political Inclusion

Across the African continent, citizens are increasingly disillusioned with governments that do not prioritize their needs, resulting in inadequate service delivery, rising unemployment, and limited access to primary education. However, hope lies in the determined and resilient young generation, well-equipped to drive structural change and policy interventions.

Thus, young people must be interested and actively engage in political processes that shape their futures. The youth can effect meaningful change by demanding a seat at the table, contributing unique ideas, and holding leaders accountable.


Transparency and Accountability

Africa needs systems that work and responsible leaders to build strong institutions, ensuring effective governance. Embracing technology as an enabler can bring about positive change. However, it is vital to ensure that no one is left behind due to technological barriers. Young people must endeavor to build a united community, support one another, and amplify their collective voices. Collaboration and holding each other accountable will strengthen their impact and ability to drive change.


Results-Driven Leadership

Leadership plays a crucial role in achieving tangible goals and objectives. Results-driven leaders focus on teamwork, shared goals, and collective results. They seek practical solutions for short- and long-term challenges and inspire their teams to go the extra mile. These leaders understand the importance of fostering a shared understanding of organizational goals and interests. By sharing their beliefs and convictions, they empower their teams to contribute effectively to achieving desired results and impacting communities positively.


Setting Clear and Measurable Goals

Accountability can only be realized when leaders set clear and measurable goals. This practice allows for self-assessment and holding oneself and others accountable. Moreover, transparency should be maintained regarding the motives behind the goals. By communicating the purpose and necessity of specific actions, leaders cultivate trust and build a united front toward achieving shared objectives.


Empowering Others

Influential leaders empower those around them just as they were once empowered. This can be achieved through knowledge sharing and creating opportunities for growth. By adopting a “each one teach one” mindset, leaders can ensure that knowledge is disseminated and utilized effectively. Empowered individuals become agents of change in their communities, fostering a ripple effect of positive transformation.

Africa’s young population holds immense potential and offers a unique opportunity for the continent’s development. However, addressing challenges such as youth unemployment and gender inequalities requires strengthening democracies and implementing accountable governance across the region.

By embracing results-driven leadership and promoting accountability, youth can drive substantive change and create a sustainable future. Empowered by their conviction and shared goals, young leaders can work together to overcome obstacles and build a prosperous Africa for all.

Bathabile Dlamini is the Media and Communications Officer at Accountability Lab Zimbabwe



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