The Rise and rise of Ndonzi Beatx
By Published On: November 1, 2023


Zimbabwean musician Tanaka Stephen Moyo, AKA Ndonzi Beatz, started singing […]


Zimbabwean musician Tanaka Stephen Moyo, AKA Ndonzi Beatz, started singing at 14 when his uncle opened a studio. He has become known among his peers as a socially conscious singer-songwriter and advocate for accountability.Participating in the 2021 Voice2Rep cohort cemented Ndonzi’s messaging about critical social issues, providing commentary and calling attention to the everyday challenges that millions of Zimbabweans face. Ndonzi experienced early musical success through Accountability Lab and Magamba Network’s Voice2 Rep initiative. Ndonzi performed at Magamba Network’s Shoko festival in 2022, sharing the stage with big-name artists like Freeman HKD Boss, Kikky BadAss, and Voltz JT. His victory as the 2021 Voice2Rep Zimbabwe winner paced the way for his numerous musical wins. These experiences have set the stage for the launch of Ndonzi’s career from Zimbabwe to the rest of Africa.

This year, 2023, saw the beginning of Ndonzi’s international career. He is featured on Voice2Rep Nigeria’s 2023 Album. The track titled Freedom talks about the right to freedom of speech and the high cost of living, calling for accountability from responsible authorities. Ndonzi’s lyrics speak directly, declaring, “DO NOT ABUSE POWER.”

Youths in Africa share various social problems that the governments are not addressing. Accountability Lab found alternative ways to call the leaders to action. One of those is Voice2Rep, which is an acronym for Voice To Represent. It is a reformative musical campaign and advocacy platform by the young people for the young people.

The Voice2Rep platform uses music to address these challenges safely. The program takes in 10 talented musicians aged 18 to 35 from all over Zimbabwe, and the Lab makes a call-out at the end of every year. If you have what it takes, watch for the call, give it a shot, and join Accountability Lab’s global network of overachievers.

Gracious Nyathi is the Marketing and Communications Fellow at Accountability Lab Zimbabwe

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